Win a Free Cork Cutting Board from Bambu!

UPDATE: Due to some behind-the-scenes technical improvements (woo-hoo!), we’re extending this giveaway for another week. If you haven’t entered yet, be sure to click the link below to join the Thursday Giveaway forum and leave a comment. If not already a NOURISH Evolution member, take a moment to join so you can participate in the forum.

A high-quality cutting board is an indispensable kitchen tool. And if it’s made from sustainable materials, so much the better! That’s why we’re such big fans of Bambu’s cutting boards made from sustainably harvested cork.

This week, we’re giving away a free, 10 x 14-inch cork cutting board from Bambu!

Why cork? It’s lightweight, naturally slip-resistant and anti-microbial (it’s even FDA food-safe). And cork is easy on your knives so blades stay sharp.

But, friends, you have to play to win this must-have piece of equipment.

So here’s the deal. Only NOURISH Evolution members are eligible to win, so now’s the time to join if you haven’t already! Then, head on over to the Thursday Giveaway group in our community area and leave a comment to be entered to win (important: be sure you’re signed in to NOURISH Evolution so we can find you).

Lia will announce the winner in next Friday’s Friday Digest!

Happy cutting!