Our Nourishing Pick of July 4th Recipes

We’ve put together a nourishing plate for you with these July 4th recipes. All your favorite barbecue food–potato salad, baked beans, tomato salad … even pickles and ice cream–along with one of our best BBQ recipes (try Lia’s Best Barbecue Ribs). Happy July 4th from NOURISH Evolution!

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Getting into the right mindset: The July 4th is a celebration, and some of these dishes are heftier than everyday fare. But not to worry–it’s a good, healthy thing to enjoy a celebratory meal once in a while. Here’s our plan for how to load your plate so you don’t feel stuffed: Pile up with the tomato salad and cucumbers (the lightest picks of the bunch); enjoy a dollop of beans and potato salad and few heavenly bites of corn bread (a good bit heavier) with a few barbecue ribs (a little goes a long way) in which you take unbridled pleasure. Then finish with a bowl of cool, refreshing sherbet — all part of our nourishing collection of July 4th recipes.

Cherry-Basil Buttermilk Sherbet

This sherbet is like summer in a bowl: light, refreshing, sweet and perfumed with the quintessential summer herb (which has a surprising affinity for cherries). It’s also ridiculously simple to make. It can get icy when frozen too hard, so eat it fresh from the ice cream maker or leave it on the counter to soften a bit if pulling it from the freezer. And here’s a little food trivia for you: Did you know that sherbet goes back to the Middle Eastern fruit-juice-and-water drink charbet? It has evolved into a dessert that’s lighter than ice cream — though in this case, low-fat buttermilk lends it a rich, tangy note.
