2/24/11 Nourishing News Roundup

Our weekly roundup of  links to tasty headlines we think you’ll want to read…

Sustainable Seafood Victory

Casson Trenor of Greenpeace just announced some big news: Costco has finally agreed to remove a dozen red-list fish from its stores and implement more a responsible seafood policy.

In other seafood news, Chef Barton Seaver tells SustainableSeafood.com how he defines sustainability, including the importance of encouraging diners to eat lower on the marine food chain. (Our Curried Mussels are a delicious way to do just that!) Also check out National Geographic’s site The Ocean, which teaches consumers about the impact of seafood choices on the marine food chain.

Do Junk Food Taxes Work?

Municipalities all over the country have started to tax junk food in an effort to encourage healthier choices. Does that work? It might. Reuters Health reports on a new study in which college students were offered hypothetical lunch choices on a computer model. Each time, prices for burgers, chips and other goodies went up. Half the students were also shown caloric info for food. The results? As prices for junk rose, calorie counts for meals went down. Caloric info had less influence on the students’ food choices.

Joe Salatin on Small Farms

If you’ve read Michael Pollan’s books or seen “Food, Inc.” you know Joe Salatin of Polyface Farm. Hobby Farm magazine has a Q&A with the delightful advocate of sustainable agriculture. In it, he discusses how environmental efficiency is crucial to making a “farmette” economically viable. If you want to learn more about small-farm meat and poultry, check out Lia’s story about meat CSAs.

What if Michael Pollan is Wrong?

Zester Daily‘s opinion piece by Louise O. Fresco about Michael Pollan’s “misguided” message stirred up some, uh, controversy. Check it out, and add your 2 cents.

Fresh … The Movie

There are some familiar faces in this movie to be sure: Joel Salatin of Polyface Farms, for instance, and the ubiquitous Michael Pollan. There are the horrifying images (and reality) of feedlots and mass-produced … you name it. But there are also uplifting stories of people–farmers, business people, policy makers–who are taking a stand and getting creative to change things. One person I’m particularly interested in learning more about is Will Allen, the founder of Growing Power, who’s empowering urban communities across the country to feed themselves through farming/gardening.

You can find FRESH screenings across the US. Or you can host your own. Anyone in Sonoma County interested? I’d love to see the whole shebang.

In the meantime, you can watch trailers and snippets here.

USDA Steering Organics to the Center of the Plate

By Kurt Michael Friese

Among the many unique aspects of living in Iowa is our first-in-the-nation caucus system. Three years ago this week, on an outing with other campaign volunteers to plant trees for Earth Day, I had the honor of meeting a skinny, unknown, African-American, freshman senator from Illinois who had the audacity to believe he could be elected president. I had about three minutes to determine firsthand whether I wanted him to succeed.

So I asked him why, despite Iowa being an “agricultural state,” none of the candidates on either side were talking about agriculture. He told me he expected they would be, but that he preferred to talk about food and health. He then quoted chapter and verse from the previous weekend’s New York Times Sunday Magazine feature by Michael Pollan, author of The Omnivore’s Dilemma.

OK, I liked this guy.

When Barack Obama won the Iowa Caucuses and the White House, I had high hopes that our agricultural system would change overnight. Then he appointed Iowa’s former governor, Tom Vilsack, to head the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and my heart sank. Vilsack’s an OK guy, but he always had a politician’s tendency to ride the fence, and any time he did something helpful for sustainable agriculture, he did two more things for Monsanto or Tyson.

Then Vilsack appointed Kathleen Merrigan as deputy secretary, and hope sprouted once again. Merrigan helped develop USDA’s organic labeling rules while head of the Agricultural Marketing Service from 1999-2001, and later ran the Tufts University Agriculture, Food and Environment Program that gave rise to the Community Food Security Coalition.

A recent San Francisco Chronicle article reports how Merrigan, speaking on behalf of the Obama Administration, “outlined a broad array of efforts to elevate organic and local farming to a prominence never seen before at the sprawling U.S. Department of Agriculture.”

After roughly six decades of being the U.S. Department of Agribusiness, Merrigan is trying to put the “culture” back in the department. Her goals include stricter enforcement of the USDA organic label, more support for the Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food program to connect local farmers with consumers, and improving access to fresh, healthy food in so-called “food deserts.” These goals may sound like dinner table talk for some circles, but they’re a radical departure from the past and a gutsy move on Merrigan’s part. As the Chronicle put it, “Big growers were not thrilled.”

While a few decades late and far from a panacea, the USDA’s apparent epiphany is welcome news for those who care about real food. I believe a few useful next steps might be:

  • Capping the subsidy system, both in terms of amounts doled out and who gets them. Today 75% of the subsidies in the U.S. go to the largest 10% of farms. In Texas, the No. 1 state in receiving federal subsidies, 72% of farms do not receive government subsidies at all.
  • Refocusing on healthy food and land stewardship. Today the crop that receives the most subsidies is corn/feed grain; more than twice any other crop. This has created an overabundance of cheap corn and contributed to skyrocketing high fructose corn syrup consumption (along with early onset diabetes and childhood obesity). It’s also why ground- and water-polluting CAFOs (concentrated animal feeding operations) can afford to stay in business.
  • Moving the school lunch program out of the auspices of the USDA and into a joint program of the Department of Education and Health and Human Services. I believe this program should be administered by people who are inclined put the health and well-being of children before the interests of agribusiness giants.

While we’re at it, there are always a few cabinet shuffles around the presidential midterm. Why not elevate Ms. Merrigan to Mr. Vilsack’s job? We can always hope.

kurt-thumbKurt Michael Friese is the founding leader of Slow Food Iowa, serves on the Slow Food USA National Board of Directors, and is editor and publisher of the local food magazine Edible Iowa River Valley. He’s also Chef and co-owner of the Iowa City restaurant Devotay, a freelance food writer and photographer, and author of A Cook’s Journey: Slow Food in the Heartland.