Our First “Experience” on Mightybell!

Check out our new NOURISH Evolution Mightybell Experience — DOUBLE the Amount of Veggies You Eat (While Loving Every Bite).

Click here to join (4 steps | 5 bucks).

WHAT, you may be asking, is Mightybell? Good question … so let me start from the beginning.

A few months ago, my good friend Amy sent an e-mail saying she wanted me to meet some people. Like any good business woman with fingertips and a computer, I Googled those peeps. Turns out I was swapping schedules with the co-founder of Ning social network (ironically, the one I wish we’d built NOURISH Evolution on to begin with), Gina Bianchini and political grass-roots wiz, Peter Slutsky. Within a few minutes, I gathered they were building a revolutionary platform that would galvanize the power of social media to help people change their lives … and the world.

Let’s just say, I’m glad Amy put us together.

As Peter was laying out out their vision for Mightybell, I felt an odd sense of deja vu (or, really, deja pense — already thought). It was as if they’d broken in to my wish list of “what I’d like in a delivery platform for my e-courses.” Breaking big ideas down into doable actions. Creating a system for ONE action to be taken (and accounted for) through each step of the process. Enlisting moral support through social media. Allowing the ability to share with others going through the same experience … by comment, photos or video. It was all THERE.

So when they asked me to be one of a handful of beta testers for their Mightybell experiences, I jumped in.

Here’s what Peter and Gina have to say about Mightybell

  • What is Mightybell?

    Mightybell is a new social software application based on a simple idea: success comes from thinking big, but acting incrementally. We have built what is hopefully a simple, lightweight way for creators, instigators, and, as we like to think about it, everyone’s alpha friend to define and share an organized series of step-by-step, day-by-day actions grouped as “experiences” for others to join and complete.

  • What is a Mightybell Experience?

    A Mightybell Experience is a goal or topic organized as a series of steps for people to do. The difference between Mightybell and making an online video, writing a blog post, or answering a question on a Q&A site is that on Mightybell, when you layout your best plan for, say, a four day survival camping trip to Yosemite Falls with six freshman roommates, it can now be joined, followed, and “done” by another group down the hall or visiting German exchange students. You create the Experience around a goal or a topic. Others do it. It’s that simple.

  • What does it mean to be organized as a series of steps?

    People of action think big and act incrementally. So, on Mightybell, an Experience is organized as a series of steps or actions laid out by you for other people to take and do as a thing. For example, where a how to video online is designed to be watched in one sitting, on Mightybell, Experiences are set up as a series of steps, days, hints, secrets, you name it, so that people drive towards a topic or goal in a series of small chunks over time. You create the Experience as a series of steps. What people choose to do with it is up to them.

  • How do people participate in an Experience?

    The way people join, follow, and do your Mightybell Experience is by completing each step – day-by-day, action-by-action – either alone or together with “fellow travelers,” or similar people in the same Mightybell Experience. At the end of finishing the Experience you set up and guided, not only do your Fellow Travelers have a fantastic trip to Yosemite Falls and a record of what they did, but you can see how they took your recommendations and research and made it their own. As a Creator, you create the Experience for people to do. Then sit back and watch where they take it.

Sound good? Jump in. Click here to join my DOUBLE the Veggies You Eat While Loving Every Bite experience now!


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