Fudgy Black Bean Brownies with Sea Salt

I love these fudgy, black bean brownies, which I originally found here on Minimalist Baker, for many reasons. For one, all you do is blam a few ingredients in the food processor, spoon the batter into a mini muffin tin and bake (now that’s my kind of baking recipe). For another, the whole baking-brownies-in-a-mini-muffin pan thing is genius–no breakage, no muss, no fuss, and they’re cute to boot. And yet another, they’re made with black beans in lieu of flour. There’s all kinds of fiber and goodness in this gluten-free brownie recipe, and yet all you’re going to hear on the receiving end is “man, these are AWESOME.” 



21 Replies to “Fudgy Black Bean Brownies with Sea Salt”

  1. Just tried these and they are delicious. However, the texture is more cakey than gooey. Any modifications you could suggest to change the the texture?

  2. Karen, they definitely have a more cakey than gooey texture by nature (the photo above is pretty true to the texture). You could certainly try taking them out a few minutes earlier, though, for a bit more gooeyness. If you give it a try, let me know what you did and how it turned out …

  3. I am addicted to these! I can’t stop making them! Thank you so much for this brilliant recipe. I was low on coconut oil the other day so I subbed in canned pumpkin and they were more brownie like them cakie. Right now I am pulling out of the oven some that I made with applesauce instead of the coconut oil- more cake like but still so good!!
    Thank you!!

      • I always double the recipe so I will do 3 tablespoons of coconut oil and 3 of something else. I have done pumpkin puree, applesauce, smashed banana and full fat yogurt all with great results.

        • Thanks for the advice, Taryn! That’s a great option for people who don’t want such a prominent coconut note, in a way that still keeps butter out of the equation (not that butter is bad … Just that it’s nice to have an option without it). Now you’ve totally got me wanting to experiment …

  4. WOW, Doula, I love the idea of canned pumpkin! Thanks for the tip. I’m going to try that next time, and good advice for Karen om the gooey factor. Thanks!

    • Good question … and I wish I had a good answer. I’m afraid you won’t be able to get the beans chopped finely enough without a food processor. Anyone else have a suggestion?

      • I put the beans and melted the coconut oil and put it in my blender and let it process. Then I added the eggs and blended those with the beans. Came out smooth and then added the dry ingredients. I totally love this recipe!

        • Oh I’m so glad it worked in the blender!! Thanks so much for sharing! Wow … I’ll have to try them in my bullet next time.

  5. I tried this recipe last night but I replaced Cacoa Powder with Raw Cacao and Coconut Palm Sugar for Regular Sugar. My brownies came out dense, almost like a fudge. What did I do wrong??

  6. Hi, Gina! I don’t think you went wrong! These brownies are pretty fudgy and dense to begin with. Swapping the cocoa powder for raw cacao shouldn’t have made a big difference. But the coconut sugar may have a high moisture content than raw sugar — almost similar to brown sugar.

  7. Pingback: Black Bean BrowniesYeah…imma eat that

  8. I have to admit that I was pretty skeptical that black beans could taste good in a brownie, but I was curious too! We made these this afternoon, and they are delicious! Way to go Lia!

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