Let Your Food Make You Laugh

Can we all agree that “fusilli” is a fun word to say? I know that may seem off-topic, but it’s not. Really.

I wrote last week about about the real meaning of comfort food in that food is so much more than just what we eat, and you all confirmed the notion big time with your answers to the State of the Kitchen Survey. Over three-quarters of you said you defined “being nourished” as “eating in a way that makes me feel healthy and energized.”

That ain’t no diet, folks. That’s a way of being. It’s a feeling that permeates beyond our physical cells into our souls.

So how does all that apply to Fusilli with Artichokes and Swiss Chard? Because one of the best ways to bring that healthy and energized spirit into your eating is to bring light and laughter into your kitchen. This dish not only has all the Nourishing components for your body–whole grain pasta, lots of leafy greens and seasonal goodies, a touch of goat cheese to amp up the creaminess factor–it’ll have fun with you if you let it.

Here’s an experiment.

1. Get everything ready to make this dish and take note of how you’re feeling–if you’re preoccupied about something at work, feeling rushed because of an evening activity, what have you.

2. Now look at your kid–or at yourself in the mirror–while holding a piece of dried pasta and say the word “fusilli” 10 times fast. Just try not to smile or laugh. I dare you.

3. Now … check in and see if your mindset has lightened or changed, and how that shift affects the rest of your dinner.

Did you notice a shift? Share your experience in a comment below.

What is Your Comfort Food?

I posted something on Facebook yesterday that got me thinking as I struggled to find my own answer to the question.

The alarming regularity of unthinkable tragedies as of late have taught me something about myself. When tragedy hits I, like so many others, ache to do something to make things better and to offer comfort. But in this world where we’re all so interconnected and yet so far from arm’s reach, it’s just not possible to hug those who are grieving, or care for them in the coming days. So I tend to just cocoon.

This time–and I hate that there is a this time–I wanted to break that pattern and go outward, finding a way to bring comfort to others as they deal with what’s happened in their own way. Whenever anyone I love is hurting, I get an overwhelming urge to cook for them. It feels to me like I’m handing them a piece of my heart and saying “I hurt for you too, and I hope that makes this a little less lonely and painful to go through.”

So I decided to ask a question: What dish would you bring to a friend who was grieving?

What struck me after asking it was how difficult it was for me to choose. Cakes or cookies felt inappropriately celebratory. Some dishes felt too fussy, others too much like a cocktail party. This one, though, spoke to my heart–it’s full of warmth and good things from the garden, and the dollop of pesto is a reminder of the inevitability that brighter days do lie ahead.

This whole circuitous train of thought brought to life something I’ve said a gazillion times before and I’ll probably say a gazillion times again: food is about so much more than just what we eat.

I’d love to know … what would your answer be?

The 2013 State of the Kitchen Survey is Here

I’m conducting a never-been-done-before “State of the Kitchen” survey for 2013.

Would you do me a huge favor? Would you please take just a few minutes to fill out these nine questions?

To thank you for your time, I’m going to save you time with a free copy of my Make Ahead Meals e-book. PLUS, when you take the survey you’ll automatically be entered into a drawing to win a fabulous NOURISH Evolution market bag (it really is the coolest bag out there).

You can take the survey here.


It was you all, really, who inspired this survey. With every conversation and e-mail I have, I’m struck by how unique your stories are—you’ve got four kids and no time to cook, you’re newly married and still rely heavily on take-out—and yet there’s a common chord resonating beneath it all. That’s what I’m driving to get at with this survey.

In addition to unearthing empowering insights for busy women everywhere, your answers will also help me shape both the free content on NOURISH Evolution, in socialville and in my weekly e-mail, and the paid offerings we’ll be developing in the future to be spot-on helpful to YOU. In the moment. When you really just want to pick up the phone and call the pizza man.

To take the survey, just click here

Please complete the survey by Saturday, April 20th. (It’ll take you less than 5 minutes … I promise).

Thanks a million for your time and thoughtfulness!

All the best,




PS – You’ll automatically get my Make Ahead Meals e-book for free when you take the survey. I’ll announce the winners of the NOURISH Evolution market bags (5 random picks from those who take the survey) on Monday, April 22nd on our Facebook page.

P.P.S. – If you know other busy women who would like to add their voice, by all means please share. The more the merrier!